BeYOUtiful Ink Studio

Hello! Welcome to my blog! My name is Kelly Yetzer and I am so happy you are here!

To give you a little insight to how I came to this very rewarding career, I have to start by sharing with you a little about me and the various careers I have had over the years. It’s a wide variety of employment choices to say the least. When I was a young teenager I started as a waitress, then in my late teens I continued that but also became a factory and turkey farm worker. Then I had my son in my early twenties. To support him I was a waitress and then moved into the bar manager position. While doing this I needed to make more money so I became a personal care attendant and worked as a CNA, all the while going back to school for what I thought was my passion, cosmetology! From the time I was 14 I was in awe over what makeup and hair could do for people, it was the only real answer I could think of…..unfortunately I found out that I hated cutting hair all the time, I loved makeup, styling hair, perms, colors, nails but hated cutting hair. I couldn’t stand the hair on me all day long, so I quit 40 hours before I was done, It wasn’t my dream career after all. During this time the bar/restaurant I worked at closed and I became a jailor and inmate transporter. Then to add to my income I became a taxi cab driver. There are stories in there that I may add in a later post to show the humorous side of any job.

Next I became a Signal Support Specialist in the US Army National Guard, went to back to school again, this time to obtain an Accounting Degree with Financial emphasis. After completing that I took a position as an Accounts Receivable Accountant, honestly the most boring job ever. It certainly wasn’t the most rewarding position I have had in my life. From there I was a Personal Assistant, Bookkeeper and most recently a Property Manager for the last 12 years. Some of course have been more rewarding than others and I have never loathed any of my employment choices, but in the last few years I have been yearning to do something that will not only give me great joy but others as well. All my girlfriends ask me what I do to take care of my skin, how to put makeup on so it doesn’t look like they have makeup on, how to achieve fuller brows, so on so forth and since I have been wanting a career change for the last two years, this is how I came to this amazing career choice….

About a year ago in the beginning of February I decided I was going to join the growing number of women who decided to have microblading done. Something just for me! I was fascinated by it, the thought of spending less time doing my brows everyday alone was a not only a plus, it was the most amazing idea! So I found the closest studio and went all in. While I didn’t have the worst artist in the world I certainly did not have the best either. My brows are completely uneven, there was no mapping, she didn’t even ask me my thoughts about the color she was using – she just picked it for me. I requested no numbing because I can’t stand the feeling, and to be honest it was not painful at all.

Once I left and got back home where I was able to look in a mirror more closely, I had 15 strokes on my right brow and 17 on my left. I did do research about how they should look right after and the healing process, so I was like okay I will give it a week and see how It goes. Well at one week they were completely healed, very light, and uneven. I would say at least 40% of the strokes did not stick at all. Not I lost 40% of the color, there was no sign of the strokes at all. So I sent a message to my artist (not knowing I had to wait 4 weeks) to ask if I could come back and get them touched up before I left on vacation, she of course said no, without an explanation as to why (communication is the best way to keep your clients happy). I was leaving for a trip in two weeks and was so disappointed about it. I ended up filling in my brows all through my trip.

In the meantime while waiting to go back for my perfection treatment, I researched other artists in the area. Not so great….I thought to myself there is no way in heck everyone in our area can be this bad? It’s true. There aren’t any good permanent makeup artist I could fine. IF the work was good there was no way of knowing that because the photos were terrible.

That was my moment, the moment I said to myself, I have loved all things beauty my entire life; this is what I am going to do until I retire! I researched the different places offering a course, you wouldn’t believe the amount of training there is in the US alone, but only one in MN had it all. The training and the apprenticeship program. Before the end of February I was registered for the class, took my blood borne pathogens test and was waiting for April to come so I could start learning.

In the meantime I went back for my touchup at the 5 week mark. Armed with more knowledge than the first time I went in, I asked questions this time. “So why aren’t you mapping me?” she replied, “I have been doing this for 20 years, I don’t need to map people I have a great eye.” I asked, “Where did you get your training?” she said, “I go to the annual SCPC meeting and training, it costs around $3,000 to go but I have learned all I know about microblading from there.” I asked why she wasn’t showing me the color she was using, she said she just knows the right color. I then told her I was going to take a course in permanent makeup, she told me she would apprentice me. Thanks, but no thanks, (I didn’t tell her that, but I was sure I thought it so loud she heard it).

So, in April I went to MN Brow Lash Studio and Academy, did the 100 hour course and couldn’t be more happy about this new career. It not only gives me the freedom to be my own boss but it also gives me the opportunity to help women and men feel better about themselves and hopefully save them time and money in the long run. I get to attend ongoing training at the academy at least once a month, where I get to bring my own model to work on, and I learn more advanced techniques and how to do it properly, so that my clients have the best retention and the most beautiful results.

Now that you know a bit about how I got to this point, I look forward to you joining me here on a regular basis. I will do my very best to provide you with as much accurate information about the increased fascination with micropigmentation, semi-permanent makeup, microblading, powder brows, designer liners, designer lips, ombré, aquarelle, stardust… the list goes on. No matter what the terminology you’ve been told to search for, it all boils down to two words, Permanent Makeup. PMU for short.

For those who are unfamiliar with what Permanent Makeup is, it’s the process of implanting pigment into the upper third layer of the dermis and is considered permanent whether it is implanted using a microblade, nano-blade, tattoo pen, tattoo machine, or needles. It is here where I will post about new training I attend, warnings about certain pigments people are using, the best and worst of our industry, along with a few other tips and tricks I have learned over the years! One of the most important things you as a consumer can do when looking for a permanent makeup artist is to do your research. Word of mouth and proof goes a long way.

Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me and how I got here. As always you can find my work posted here on my website in the gallery section. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram, & Pinterest @beautifulbydesignmn. See you next time!!!!

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